Nonprofits without fundraising are pretty much the equivalent of fish without water- it is a basic necessity. No matter the size, cause or location of your nonprofit, fundraising is a primary requirement.


As a social media platform, Facebook has continuously led the pack among businesses, nonprofits, and independent users. With around 167 million people logging on daily in the USA and Canada alone it is definitely fundamental that your nonprofit place importance on updating and maintaining your nonprofit’s Facebook page.


It is a known fact that the combination of pictures, music, and words sparks imagination and emotion in the human body. In a study done by HubSpot, they found that 78% of people watch online videos once a week. A pretty solid indication as to why nonprofit videos are a great tool to engage supporters, volunteers, and donors.


With 2016 in full force, we have no doubt your nonprofit has begun organizing and analyzing this year’s donor engagement plan. As a successful nonprofit, it is crucial to understand how to communicate effectively with your audience and supporters in order to make the right type of requests.


Marketing goes beyond your nonprofit’s website, blog, and email communication. It is a process that involves listening to your followers and delivering to them the information they want. The key is using marketing tools that will have the greatest impact on funding, support, and growth of your nonprofit.


Writer’s block­, it happens to the best of us. A blank WordPress screen, the blinking movement of the cursor, and the constant reminder we have unsuccessfully generated any material. I am sure the question, “what kind of posts will engage our readers?” has crossed your mind many times before. Especially when authoring posts on a regular basis.
