So we’ve talked homepages and donation experiences, but there’s so much more to your website! How do you keep your visitors interested after you’ve initially caught their eye? Today we are breaking down a couple different interior pages (and elements), with examples of course. We will cover Impact, About Us, Bio, Challenge and a bonus section on a rad video. Let us begin.


In the second piece of our three-part “anatomy of” series, we are going to talk donation pages and overall donation experience. I know that a lot of your are hanging off the end of your seat in order to learn about what makes the “perfect donation” experience that gets your organization more dollar bills. Here’s the thing, the nicest and most effective donation experiences do involve the creation of custom (added cost) pages. However, we are here to tell you that those pages are worth it. Thinking of your internal donation pages as an investment will seriously make all the difference. So what goes into a “donation experience”? Once again, we got you.


Nonprofit websites are fundamentally different than their business counterparts. They are multifaceted and serve many different purposes from donation to events’ calendars and even to volunteer information and program resources. With this in mind, however, the anatomy of a nonprofit’s homepage and plethora of interior pages are going to look completely different from that of a traditional website.


So you’ve finally gotten the funds to update your nonprofit’s website. You have picked a vendor for design and are ready to go, but wait, content. Your vendor asks you about the state of your nonprofit’s written content and you panic. You have to edit multiple pages of your old website and even add some new ones but you don’t know anything about writing for the the world wide web. We know the struggle and want to help you on your way to engaging web content with some helpful hints.

guy illustration ux

7 Things You Need Before Starting Your Nonprofit Website


It’s officially June and that means it’s Pride Month. For those that don’t know, each June we celebrate our fellow LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and HIV/AIDS +) earth dwellers with a month of love. Although Pride started only as a one-day celebration, it’s grown to encompass a month-long series of events celebrating LGBTQ pride.


Depending on your city, the festivities include parades, workshops, picnics, art installations concerts and so much more. Pride month draws its roots back to the 1969 Stonewall riots in Manhattan and is meant both as a month of celebration but also to remind us both how far the LGBTQ community has come and how far there still is to go.


Social media is so embedded in our lives that part of experiencing something is documenting it digitally on our Instagram profiles. Whether you are for or against this proliferation of technology, you must admit, Instagram is one of the goliaths. With over 800 million active users in September of 2017, this number is only projected to grow. And although the company is owned by Facebook, a fact which is often overlooked, it has managed to escape from the recent scandal unscathed.

What does this mean for the modern nonprofit? Visual storytelling is one of the most effective means of relaying your mission and engaging new supporters and so Instagram is a natural path for doing so. But to insta productively, you want your profile to reflect your organization’s brand. Branding an Instagram can be tricky business, but with a little bit of planning, a few edits and maybe even a few selfies (to test of course) you’ll be Instagramming like a Kardashian.

BONUS stick around until the end of the post for some Instagram best practices!


Workplace culture is a funny thing. It’s not tangible, which makes it virtually impossible to define all of the elements that compose it. For all its complexities, though, members of your staff are aware when something is amiss, namely because they are the ones affected. However, not all your staff will be affected equally. Gender identification, race, sexual orientation and religion all have an impact on how one experiences the world. Acknowledging this and making sure your workplace is a welcoming place for all is essential in making sure your nonprofit fulfills its mission.


This was originally published on

It’s inevitable that as your organization continues to gain momentum and supporters, you’ll have to think about purchasing nonprofit fundraising software.

From researching products, to talking with vendors, viewing demos, and pitching to the board, buying fundraising software can be an intensive and overwhelming process.

Since nonprofit software plays such a key role in successful fundraising, it’s essential that you choose a program that will help your organization prosper as it continues to expand.

So where do you begin?

In this article, we’ll go over four key tips to choosing the best fundraising software for your budding organization:


Hello, nonprofit marketers. Are you listening? We wanted to write about a topic that is really close to our hearts: nonprofit marketing plans.

If you’re wondering what a nonprofit marketing plan is, it’s an invaluable document throughout the planning, design and implementation of any marketing campaign. Marketing plans have different objectives based on the type of organization and its capacity. Some nonprofits are able to target more than one goal at once while others are working with fewer resources, and so a single goal at a time is more realistic. Wherever your nonprofit is at, a marketing plan will help you on your way to growth.


If your organization isn’t accepting donations online, it is definitely time to get the digital fundraising train rolling. The term “payment processing system” sounds super official and scary but we promise you, it’s just a fancy for name for “accepts payment online”. We nerds at Elevation want to give you a little breakdown about what your online donation could look like using some fun combos of PayPal, Stripe and Authorize.Net. Buckle up, everyone, it’s going to get a little bumpy but stay seated because there’s a free downloadable guide included. Off we go!


Google is easily the most popular and influential search engine in the world. The search giant realizes its extensive power for good through the Google for Nonprofits Programs. We’ve written about the Google Ad Grant before, which offers $10,000 worth of free advertising to nonprofits, so this time we decided to show you. 

Below we have broken down the basics of what the Google Ad Grant offers, how to apply, and how to remain eligible after receiving the grant. Even if you don’t have a lot of time, we recommend scanning quickly as Google changed some of the program requirements in 2018! 


If you find yourself aimlessly scrolling through Twitter or Facebook at work, use your social media break to follow these 12 nonprofit experts!

From fundraising to consulting, they can do it all, and their active social media profiles are bursting with resources! We caught up with them first and got a sneak peak about what they are excited about in the nonprofit world this year. Take a look! 
