If you’re a connected person, you know how much Instagram has exploded as a social media presence in our everyday lives. Acquired by Facebook in 2012, Instagram today boasts 700 million accounts and combines many features similar to other social media networks with one overarching difference – its focus is photo-based. It does stories like Snapchat, live videos and albums like Facebook, and hashtags like Twitter; yet Instagram still remains one of the most popular social media networks out there because it is simple, creative, easy, and fun.


With Facebook, Instagram and Twitter constantly stealing the spotlight of the nonprofit social media world, LinkedIn can often get overlooked. In fact, many organizations underestimate the powerful influence of LinkedIn.


Volunteer Vicky. Climate-Concerned Chis. Involved Ivan. Generous Giver Grace.

How well do you really know those who give to your cause? The aforementioned characters represent your donor personas generalized representations of the real people who make up your organization’s donors.


Hey #NPTech community! This 3rd edition of our Social Media Guide for Your Nonprofit is all about Twitter.


As a nonprofit, your focus should not only be on directing possible donors to your donation page but also providing them with a clear, simple, and exciting donating experience. Your goal as an organization is to have all those who have reached your donation page follow through and complete the action, right?


There’s no doubt that we’re living in the information age. With everything readily available to us, we expect instant gratification when seeking information. Taking the time to comb through blogs and search results can be daunting, but quicker solutions are available to us.

Social media — namely, Twitter — is the quickest and simplest source for news and information. Latest news often breaks on Twitter before any other news source can get to covering it. In 140 characters or less, you can instantly know what’s going on in the world or learn about essentially any topic out there by searching for a particular hashtag. And what’s better than instant?

The #nptech world is full of great advice about running nonprofit organizations and charities, and digital strategies specifically geared towards this sector and helping you achieve online marketing success. If your Twitter feed is clogged up with spam or otherwise unimportant tweets, you may miss out on some important information.

If you want to clear out those newsfeeds and make room for the most important #nptech, you should absolutely be following these accounts.


There’s no denying how important Facebook is to your organization, social media strategy, and probably even your personal life. Facebook is so integrated into society that nowadays pretty much everyone has one — along with an email, phone number, and social security number. We even use it as a verb to add us on the social media site! Here are some mind-blowing stats to show you just how much Facebook really matters:


When seeking advice on how to improve your nonprofit SEO, there’s a lot of wanna-be experts out there who want to sell your their services. It is very possible that you could pay an “SEO expert” a hefty fee to just have your SEO go terribly wrong.


Did you know that messaging platform WhatsApp processes 30 billion messages a day, largely outnumbering the 23 billion SMS messages that are sent daily? What’s more, Facebook Messenger hit 900 million users last year, closing the gap with WhatsApp which had 1 billion users as of February 2016. Even though some predict that SMS is dead, the number of text messages also continues to increase at a steady rate and reached 8.6 trillion in 2016. Wake up people! Mobile messaging needs to be our nonprofit’s social media platform priority in 2017.

So what do all these statistics mean, and what does your nonprofit need to know in order to not be left in the dark? Mobile messaging platforms are clearly growing at an unprecedented rate, and they are slowly becoming our “hub for all internet activity.” This does make perfect sense if you consider that 77% of Americans now have smartphones, and as a result we are spending much more time on our mobile devices when compared to desktop computers. In this Part 1 Edition of our Social Media Guide for Your Nonprofit, we will give you the lowdown on how your nonprofit can be best utilizing mobile messaging platforms with these three tips.

the world of messaging apps


It is an undeniable trend that as technology continues to advance, traditional payment methods are becoming increasingly out-of-date. This means that now, more than ever, your nonprofit is depending on easy-to-use online donation methods. It is crucial that your website display links to donate money by using clear and and attention-grabbing tools. One of the best ways you can do this is through donation buttons, and the PayPal donate button is a great option that you can utilize. The button is both customizable and easy to set up. Here, we’ve compiled everything you need to know about using PayPal and its donate button.
